Mittwoch, 19. September 2012


I rarely suffer from writer's block. In the contrary: My mind is constantly overflowing. There's so much in my head I can't concentrate at all.

Recently, I decided to write a paranormal romance novel. So I sat down and thought about plots & subplots, internal & external conflicts. Then I started to write a few thoughts down. A few more ideas followed. After that, I decided to pick one plot idea and do some brainstorming. I put lots of stuff down and scribbled some additional thoughts down on an extra sheet. These were inspiration for other stories.

I started writing an outline. Right in the middle of it, I had an epiphany - which brought a whole new set of plots and conflicts. Suddenly, I had several concepts for more stories in mind. I started writing them down. I wrote and wrote and wrote. It got stressful; I couldn't sleep because I HAD TO WRITE.

Still, the ideas keep coming. My head's full of characters, plots, conflicts, beginnings, middles, and endings right now. At first, I thought I could simply mix and match those snippets and an outline would be done in no time. Wrong.

My mind is overflowing. Each new thought distracts me and keeps me from discovering the potential of the previous one. That way, I will never write another novel. 

How do you keep your inner muse in check when the ideas won't stop flowing? How do you channel your creativity?

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Ich leide selten am "Writer's Block". Ganz im Gegenteil: Meine Gedanken laufen über. Mein Kopf ist so voll mit Ideen, dass ich mich kaum konzentrieren kann.

Vor kurzem entschied ich mich dazu, ein Buch im Genre "Paranormal Romance" anzusiedeln. Ich setzte mich hin, plottete vor mich hin und überlegte mir endlose Konflikte. Ich schrieb die ersten paar Gedanken auf, dann weitere. Dann entschied ich mich, einen Plot genauer unter die Lupe zu nehmen und alles, was mir dazu einfiel, festzuhalten. Mir fiel immer mehr dazu ein, genauso kamen mir Ideen für andere Geschichten, die ich ebenfalls notierte.

Ich begann, die Handlung zu umreißen. Während ich dabei war, traf mich der nächste Geistesblitz und zig weitere Ideen für Handlungsstränge und Konflikte strömten in mich hinein - und aus mir heraus, als ich sie aufschrieb. Es wurde Stress; ich konnte nicht mehr schlafen, weil ich SCHREIBEN MUSSTE.

Die Ideen kamen weiterhin. Mein Kopf ist im Moment voller Charaktere, Handlungsideen, Szenen, Dialoge, Konflikte... Zuerst dachte ich, ich müsse diese Puzzleteile nur zusammensetzen und hätte schnipp! eine Geschichte. Falsch geraten.

Meine Idee fließen über. Jeder neue Gedanke lenkt mich davon ab, den vorherigen weiter zu verfolgen und seine Möglichkeiten zu erforschen. Auf diesem Wege werde ich nie einen weiteren Roman schreiben.

Wie lenkt ihr eure innere Muse, wenn die Gedanken nicht aufhören wollen zu fließen? Wie kanalisiert ihr eure Kreativität, wenn sie mit euch durch geht?

4 Kommentare:

  1. I think your overflow with ideas is great. Try to save them to work with later. I have a few novels in my "desk" and when I wrote it was just like that, more ideas came up as I was writing. If you're able stay up one night to wright because it's only you and your writing and no one is disturbing ;)

    1. I'd love to read what you wrote! Have you ever thought about publishing them?

      Yes, I'm trying to write down as much as I can, but between work and real life it's too much.

  2. I do recognise what you write! Sometimes I have such periods too, and then my mind is filled with too many ideas. Sometimes it does drive me nuts, because I still don't really know how to channel it right. But other than that, I try to enjoy it and much as I can, since it is so much better than a writing block / inspiration block.

    The only thing I experienced so far is that it helps me write down every idea. Even if it is just with 2 or 3 words. But to write it down helpt a little to get it out of my head, instead of having the ideas going round and round in circles and distracting me from what I am doing.

    1. Exactly! It can drive me nuts, too.
      Today, while I was at work, it just hit me. I tried to scribble down some notes but since I was at work I couldn't really write personal stuff down and not get my work done. :(
      I did write some of it down right after work, in the car (not while driving^^).
